Monday, June 21, 2010

So I started the next project by getting the website set up for us. We had to have a group gmail account and here's what you need to login: and the password is: health10

Here is the URL link to our website:

but you have to login to it using google sites, which is on module 6/7 and to login you use the group gmail account and password.


  1. that looks great, lindsey. thanks for starting it! so since we have to have different pages on our website with paragraphs explaining the page, how about we first start out with each of us creating a page. we have to each create 2 by the end of this week.
    lindsey, i think you did nutrition, so you could make a page about the food pyramid.
    i could make about different exercise habits.
    daniel, did you talk about emotional health? you could discuss different effects or something like that.

    these are just some ideas. also, on this weeks assignment it says:
    • Each web page needs to contain one or two new items of information not given throughout the semester -- ideas, lesson plans, etc. for your topic. All items of information must have a short description of what they are.

    • Each group member needs to create one original item -- such as a lesson plan, a podcast, an instructional PowerPoint, etc. (Word searches and crossword puzzles do NOT count!). Each original item needs a short description of what it is.

    so we have to make sure we do this... im going to try to start my pages, and hopefully we can get it done pretty soon!

  2. MY original piece is going to be another digital story but this time on brushing teeth....
