Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hey guys! We should get started on our podcast. Any ideas on what we should do?


  1. I"m a little lost on this one, so do we mainly talk about what we have been doing for the past few weeks as if we were talk to parents about our lesson, so we could maybe discuss our lesson plans, the Epals, and the Google map virtual field trip?

  2. yep- we have to use concepts from the book. so we have to split it up 3 ways and figure out who can focus on each topic. ill look at the book tonight and think of some ideas

  3. what have you guys decided to do as your data gathering lessons?

  4. I think I'm gonna do something where they ask other students in the class what their favorite food is (like favorite fruit). Then they will put it into excel.

  5. We should probably get started on the podcast. Maybe we could split it up into 3 section; like one person does lesson plans, one person does epals, and one person does the map?

  6. alright guys, i really need to be done with this assignment by 3 tomorrow....I'm going to start working at Camp Kidwell and tomorrow is Orientation. I've decided i'm going to post what i'm going to say on here. I'm assuming since i'm doing the Google maps i'll be the last and concluding the project. let me know what you think

    “"Our students went on a Digital Field Trip to Florida. We ask our e-pals about what Florida’s Vegetation and Climate are like. Our unit's focus is how to be healthy and by giving students the opportunity to maybe see what Florida's environment is like will help them understand why Florida's eating and exercise habits are different then our own.
    With the response from our E-pals and with the help of Google Maps we planned where we would go on our fieldtrip to Florida. To help illustrate our journey we researched videos and images from the web.
    Collaboration is one aspect that we will continue to instill in our students this school year. Collaboration among students makes learning both relevant and rigorous. It allows students to learn to learn together. Our Students and Our E-Pals both learned “real world” skills such as communication and problem solving.
    Thank you parent for taking time out of your busy schedules to be involved in your child’s education. We appreciate any and all feedback so please feel free to contact us at our school email addresses about any ideas or concerns you may have. From all of us here at your child’s school, have a pleasant day.”

  7. ok its been a crazy week for me. so i have to do all of this tonight. but i dont know what im going to do mine about cause you did epals and google maps... but ill figure something out and post it.

  8. I merely mentioned Epais Kari, you can still talk about them. Lindsey said she was doing Lesson plans, i merely said epals but didnt discribe them, if you want i can even rewrite mine
    just i need my part to be done by three

  9. Yours sounds great Daniel! It's short, simple, yet to the point.

    Since I'm doing lesson plans, I'll go first for the podcast. So here's what I have for my scipt. Let me know if it's okay.

    "Hello parents and welcome to orientation. This school year we will be doing project-based learning assignment on health and healthy living. Our lessons will focus on several health related topics that we will cover in units, such as nutrition, exercise, and physical appearance. We will start each unit with a digital story and include different technology tools in each lesson. By the end of this project, students will not only have a better understanding of health related issues, but they will be well informed on technological tools as well.
    One lesson in particular to highlight will involve the students learning about all aspects of the food pyramid. They will learn about the food pyramid through a hot list of websites. They will then create their own food pyramid of what they typically eat each day by looking up pictures on the hot list of websites and then share with the rest of the class using an overhead projector.
    Although there are several other lessons in each of the units, it is important to note that they will involve a deeper learning. We don’t want students to just do the projects; we want them to get involved by relating the information learned directly to their own lives."

  10. oh thats totally fine, daniel. i think both of yours sound great. ill write mine up and post it in just a bit!

  11. "Healthy living is something that everyone should be well informed about. As a classroom, we decided to connect with another classroom in a different community and discuss our knowledge of healthy living. We will use ePals, which is an online community that allows schools to collaborate about project-based learning. This digital-age project enables our classroom to connect and work together with other students in a different area. Since weather and agriculture directly affect eating and exercise patterns, we thought it’d be interesting to compare and contrast these patterns with a class in Tampa, Florida. Both classrooms will research how weather patterns affect local agriculture and exercise patterns, and each student will keep a detailed food and exercise log for 3 weeks. We will constantly collaborate with our ePals classroom, and students will develop an understanding of how living environments influence food and exercise patterns."

    So Lindsey's will be the first podcast followed by mine and then Daniels. I think it'll flow very well!

  12. I thought we each turned in our own.
