Wednesday, May 19, 2010

hey everyone,
for this assignment, dont we need to create an inspiration map about our topic?
we decided on health concerns/how to be healthy, correct?
so our topic could be "Healthy Living" or something like that

let me know


  1. We have to make a concept map for it. So the center of the map will be Healthy Living. We still have to come up with subtopics. So we could so exercise, nutrition, etc. We should each come up with a bunch of ideas by Saturday, and then one of us can create the map.

  2. I like that, we should definitely try and focus in on the Michigan curriculum. What grade do you think we should work with and what aspects should be covered?

  3. The Michigan curriculum focus sounds good. We can just focus on a few grades, maybe like 1st grade to 3rd grade if that sounds fine. I definitely think nutrition (healthy foods vs. not healthy foods) and exercise (amount per day you should get and examples) should be covered. We could even go into the food pyramid to show what they should eat everyday. Just throwing out some ideas. Let me know if anyone else has some ideas.

  4. Definitely! I'll look up some things tomorrow and start on a concept map tomorrow!

  5. those ideas sound great. so far, we will have:
    nutrition: healthy foods vs. not healthy foods
    exercise: amount per day & examples
    food pyramid

    how about we add a section to our project that focuses on individual health so students can keep track of their health. so we could do a food/exercise log?
    then we could also maybe do a section on sleep, since that's really important for health.

    i found this website and this has a lot of great ideas too.

  6. These all sound like great ideas! I like the tracking idea and logs for the kids.

    From the Michigan Health Grade level content expectations there are five main strands to focus on. These are Nutrition and Physical Activity, Drugs, Tobacco and Alcohol, Safety, Social and Emotional Health, and Personal Heath and Well being. Try and keep these in mind when creating our concept maps.

  7. Since it is a wide variety of strands from Michigan's GLCEs why not focus on strand one which is what we were mainly talking about from the beginning when talking healthy foods and exercise. if you need the standards for the grades let me know and I'll post them.

    P.S. Which grades did we decide on?

  8. I really like the food log idea too. We can do whatever grades you guys feel like...I was thinking maybe 2nd to 4th grades maybe? Did we decide who's doing the concept map?

  9. not yet, maybe each of us should conribute parts of the map, like one can do the food, another do exercise, a third on standards etc.....

  10. one person has to put it together then post it on the blog. i'm making it right now. i'll post it later tonight and let me know if i should fix anything!
